6.4 124 minHD The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Thriller, USA 26 May 2004Angèle Gagnon, Anna Foerster, Erik Ajduk, Kim Berner, Kim H. Winther, Martin Doepner, Paul Drouin, Roland Emmerich, Sophie Boyer Trailer NONTON
7.3 144 minHD The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) Adventure, Fantasy, New Zealand, USA 10 Dec 2014Andy Serkis, Carolynne Cunningham, Peter Jackson Trailer NONTON
7.2 169 minHD The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, New Zealand, USA 26 Nov 2012Andy Serkis, Carolynne Cunningham, Guy Campbell, Peter Jackson, Victoria Sullivan Trailer NONTON
8.4 201 minHD The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, New Zealand, USA 1 Dec 2003Peter Jackson Trailer NONTON
8.3 178 minHD The Lord of The Rings The Fellowship of The Ring (2001) Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, New Zealand, USA 18 Dec 2001Carolynne Cunningham, Dianne Moffatt, Geoff Murphy, John Mahaffie, Marc Ashton, Oksana Sokol, Pat Robins, Peter Jackson Trailer NONTON